Edward Norton I know plays somehow strange roles in movies like Down in the Valley, the Illusionist, the Score, American history X. In the new movie Pride and Glory he is the good cop. The bad cop is Colin Farrell. The issue is again police corruption, not enough money to pay the bills, so start turning the blind eye for some low-life drug dealers with lots of cash.
Things get real ugly real quick, the dirty crew loses 4 men, killed by Tezo, one of the protected drug dealer. Colin Farrell needs to find the guy that killed his men and in the same time tries to cover his tracks with his brothers in law, Edward Norton (good cop) and Noah Emmerich (his CO)
Pride and Glory is a classic cop drama, very violent and explicit, and alos very believable. the quality of acting is what makes the movie great. The ending is disturbing, and it goes deep, makes you think a long time.
Links: IMDb, Torrent Search
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